The House of The Laughing Cow offers school and leisure groups a series of educational workshops divided into 5 areas:
- History
- Communication
- Sustainable development
- Nutrition
- Temporary exhibition
These strong themes are approached in an offbeat way to learn while having fun. You can use the filter below to find the animation that suits your group or contact the public service directly to benefit from personalized support.
To anchor our workshops in the heart of real educational sequences, the public service also provides you with a certain number of supports:
- Our “activity sheets” will inform you about the course and content of the workshop
- Our “preparatory sheets” will indicate the skills required during the animation, as well as the additional visits to be made in the region.
- Our “resource documents” will provide you with bibliographies and sitographies on topics related to animation.
Contact us
by email to
by phone at 03 84 43 54 10
- History
A whole story
- From 3 to 15 years old
What is a vignette? What is an onomatopoeia used for? Faced with 6 giant boards retracing the history of the Laughing Cow and its consumers, we will discover the codes of the comic strip.
- Sustainable development
Ball in the lead
- From 3 to 11 years old
Under funny teepees, many wooden games are waiting for us: marbles course, mazes, construction games like the Laughing Cow. Experiences to be shared that will allow to develop skills, logic and team spirit.
- History
Coffres escape game
- De 7 Ã 14 ans
Une animation permettant un vrai moment de partage et de convivialité pour développer la réflexion, la logique et l’esprit d’équipe.
- Nutrition
Fondu de fromage
- De 6 Ã 18 ans et plus
La Vache qui rit, tout le monde la connait mais comment est fabriqué son fromage ? Nous découvrirons sa recette et toutes les étapes de sa fabrication, pour réaliser à notre tour le plus célèbre des fromages en portion.
- Temporary exhibition
La Curieuse Collection
- De 3 Ã 8 ans
Salle des tableaux, cuisine, bibliothèque... accueillent plus de 1200 objets à l’effigie de La Vache qui rit. Nous mènerons l’enquête dans cet univers immersif pour retrouver les objets qui ont marqué leur époque.
- Communication
Label Survey
- From 9 to 18 years old and more
Nutritional information, expiration date, list of ingredients ... learn to decipher the information on food packaging. What you consume on a daily basis will no longer hold any secrets for you.
- Nutrition
Let’s eat!
- From 6 to 18 years old and more
To go further, head to the kitchen to make recipes concocted by chefs, and put into practice your knowledge of nutrition and food. Innovative and surprising recipes are waiting for you, elaborated around the balance of the food and the
- Sustainable development
Prends-en de la graine
- De 3 Ã 11 ans
Au cœur de notre jardin Apéricube, nous deviendrons de véritables botanistes ! Nous apprendrons à différencier les parties d'une plante, ses étapes de croissance ainsi que ses besoins. L'occasion également de découvrir les animaux qui peuplent ce milieu.
- Communication
The Laughing Cow makes its commercial
- From 9 to 18 years old and more
What is the purpose of an advertisement? How is a poster composed? With the help of the poster wall and the advertising trail, discover the communication of an icon who knew how to convince his public.
- Temporary exhibition
The laughter factory
- From 3 to 102 years old
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of The Laughing Cow, a new exhibition will allow us to question ourselves about laughter. What are its benefits? What makes us laugh? How do you laugh in England, China or Brazil?
- Sustainable development
The packaged visitor
- From 3 to 18 years old and more
All about packaging: What is it for? How is it done? How to ensure optimal conservation of a food product? In front of the packing wall, we will find all the answers.
- Temporary exhibition
The pre-history of The Laughing Cow
- From 6 to 18 years old and more
A funny archaeological exhibition invites us to follow in the footsteps of the ancestors of The Laughing Cow. An opportunity to compare the codes of representation of ancient civilizations, but also to discover tools to allow us to disentangle the
- History
The treasure hunt
- From 3 to 11 years old
Like a treasure hunt, go in search of the clues that will give you access to the treasure of The Laughing Cow. A real moment of sharing and conviviality which allows to develop team spirit. A playful discovery of the
- History
Time explorers
- From 6 to 15 years old
On your own, board the Laughing Cow ship for a digital journey through the different eras that have marked the history of the famous red cow.